Application of Legal Principles and Rules in SQE
The SQE emphasises the practical application of legal knowledge through various question styles. The illustrations below provide an overview of the range of question styles used to assess candidates' functioning legal knowledge (FLK).
Identification and Application
Candidates may be required to both identify and apply a fundamental legal principle or rule. This style of question tests not only recognition but also the ability to effectively apply legal concepts to specific scenarios.
Identification and Proper Application
Questions may identify a relevant legal principle or rule and ask candidates to demonstrate how it should be properly applied. This could involve explaining the correct application or predicting the outcome of such application.
Client Advice and Legal Outcomes
Candidates might be asked to assess whether a client can legally achieve a desired outcome and provide appropriate explanatory advice. This style assesses the candidate's ability to analyse legal situations and offer practical guidance to clients.
Explanation of Legal Results
In scenarios where the legal result is already established, candidates may be required to identify why the application of a legal principle or rule leads to that result in law. This type of question assesses the candidate's understanding of the underlying legal mechanisms.
Calculation and Application
Some questions may involve performing calculations by applying rules, rates, percentages, and thresholds to arrive at a correct figure. Candidates may be expected to remember specific thresholds and rates, especially in the context of taxation.
Taxation Considerations
For questions related to taxation, candidates are expected to recall certain thresholds, rates of tax, and the availability of reliefs and exemptions. While certain figures may be provided, candidates are also expected to stay informed about changes introduced by successive Budgets.
Sample Questions for Illustration
Published sample questions serve as examples of the question styles used in the assessments. These examples give candidates an understanding of how they will be tested on their ability to apply fundamental legal principles and rules outlined in the assessment specification. However, many candidates report that the sample question offered by the SRA are much easier than those in the actual exam, giving you a false impression that the SQE is easy. You are advised to practise with our SQE Question Bank with detailed explanations.
In summary, the SQE's approach to assessing FLK involves a diverse set of question styles that challenge candidates to not only recognise legal principles but also apply them effectively to practical and ethical scenarios. These assessments aim to ensure that candidates can apply their legal knowledge in a manner consistent with the expectations of a newly qualified solicitor in England and Wales.
Identification and Application
Candidates may be required to both identify and apply a fundamental legal principle or rule. This style of question tests not only recognition but also the ability to effectively apply legal concepts to specific scenarios.
Identification and Proper Application
Questions may identify a relevant legal principle or rule and ask candidates to demonstrate how it should be properly applied. This could involve explaining the correct application or predicting the outcome of such application.
Client Advice and Legal Outcomes
Candidates might be asked to assess whether a client can legally achieve a desired outcome and provide appropriate explanatory advice. This style assesses the candidate's ability to analyse legal situations and offer practical guidance to clients.
Explanation of Legal Results
In scenarios where the legal result is already established, candidates may be required to identify why the application of a legal principle or rule leads to that result in law. This type of question assesses the candidate's understanding of the underlying legal mechanisms.
Calculation and Application
Some questions may involve performing calculations by applying rules, rates, percentages, and thresholds to arrive at a correct figure. Candidates may be expected to remember specific thresholds and rates, especially in the context of taxation.
Taxation Considerations
For questions related to taxation, candidates are expected to recall certain thresholds, rates of tax, and the availability of reliefs and exemptions. While certain figures may be provided, candidates are also expected to stay informed about changes introduced by successive Budgets.
Sample Questions for Illustration
Published sample questions serve as examples of the question styles used in the assessments. These examples give candidates an understanding of how they will be tested on their ability to apply fundamental legal principles and rules outlined in the assessment specification. However, many candidates report that the sample question offered by the SRA are much easier than those in the actual exam, giving you a false impression that the SQE is easy. You are advised to practise with our SQE Question Bank with detailed explanations.
In summary, the SQE's approach to assessing FLK involves a diverse set of question styles that challenge candidates to not only recognise legal principles but also apply them effectively to practical and ethical scenarios. These assessments aim to ensure that candidates can apply their legal knowledge in a manner consistent with the expectations of a newly qualified solicitor in England and Wales.